1. Each foursome selects a team captain to keep score prior to teeing off on the first hole. The team captain is responsible for all scoring and penalty decisions, having an eligible player available for any tie breakers.
2. All Mission Bay Golf Course Rules Apply — except red and white staked hazards (see below). Get a Mission Bay Score Card for reference.
3. Men Play from the Back Tees. Women have the option of playing from the Front or Back Tees.
4. Each player will tee off from each hole. A shot will be selected and each player will play the next shot from within 12” of the selected shot. [Balls may be placed.] The condition of the second shot cannot be improved:
· If the selected shot lies in a trap or in the rough all shots must be played from the trap or rough.
· All red and white stake hazards are to be played as lateral hazards. The ball not being dropped closer to the green unless necessary. If it is necessary to select a shot, that has ended up in a hazard, all players must shoot from within 12” of the selected shot’s drop from the hazard. The team will be assessed one penalty stroke.
· Each team must select 2 tee shots from each player. The tee shots may be selected on any hole, except, each team must select tee shots from 2 different players on the par fours.
5. This process of shooting and selecting the best shot continues until the team holes out.
6. PUTTING: On the putting green, give each person a shot at the selected putt. If you hole out after a miss before your other teammates have attempted the selected putt, the putt — and stroke — that holed out must be counted.
> Each Player on each team must make 1 putt.
7. If playing with a threesome, one person on a rotational basis may play an extra ball on the hole. [Requires Keg Man’s approval.]
8. Violation of any of these rules, will cost your team a penalty stroke, may require a team “shocker” in front of an examining committee, and will result in ridicule for years to come.
When your 4some reaches the Par 4 green, turn and have the team behind you drive. Make your puts while they are walking up to their second shot.
¨ FIRST OPTION: If time and situation permits, each team will select two players to compete in an alternate shot sudden death playoff.
¨ In the alternate shot format, one team member will tee off, the other will take the next shot, the team member that teed off, takes the next shot, and so on until the team holes out.
¨ If additional holes are required, the team member that did not tee off on the previous hole must tee off.
¨ SECOND OPTION: If time and situation do not permit the first option, each team will select one member to compete in a sudden death playoff.
¨ THIRD OPTION: If time does not permit, or a sudden death playoff cannot be completed due to sundown, the championship will be decided by a sudden death match play put off. If two players are available from each team, the put off will be alternate putts. If not, single player from each team will putt off.
¨ If ties for second or third are not determined in the playoff for the championship, they will be determined by a match putt off. The first option will be to use the alternate putt format described above. If two team members are not available, a single player putt off will occur.
If there is a tie, for high score. A put off like ties for second or third or a dance off.
1. All Long Drive and Closest To The Pin Prizes are individual prizes unless otherwise stated.
2. There is One Tournament Long Drive and One Tournament Closest To The Pin.
3. LONG DRIVE CONTESTS: Longest drive in the fairway or within the width of the green (even if some rough comes in front of the green). If a drive reaches the green or goes through the green, the long drive becomes a closest to the pin contest. That means the longest drive may not win and your manliness may be a mere fish story at the bar. Live with it.
4. Other than the Tournament Long Drive or Closest To The Pin, a player may only win one of the other hole skill prizes. At the end of their round, the player chooses which prize they want. Other prizes their shot would have won, then go to the next closest or next longest and so on.
5. TIE BREAKERS: All Tie Breakers for Hole Prizes are determined by match play putt offs.